Monday 26 April 2021

 Local Development Plan proposals affecting our area

Local Development Plan proposals and Culduthel Park

IN26 - Culduthel Park - If you are a resident near the area you may not be aware that in the consultation document for the next Local Development Plan there are proposals to change what is currently amenity land to housing - If you wish to object you need to respond by 30th of April - you will need to do this via Highland Council's portal ( please note you have to register) or alternatively you will have to email/post the attached form.

Local Development Plan proposals and Knocknagael 

IN 60 -  Knocknagael Farm/the smiddy field if you are a resident near the area you may not be aware that in the consultation document for the next Local Development Plan there are proposals to change what is currently agriculture land to housing.  If you wish to object to housing you need to respond by 30th April. An alternative proposal to develop community growing, allotments and amenity areas has been put forward by a community group -  To respond you will need to do this via Highland Council's portal ( please note you have to register) or alternatively you will have to email/post the attached form.

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