Tuesday 9 June 2020

Hazards on pavement

A polite notice...

Hedging your bets like I do?

As a blind individual, I am finding it increasingly difficult to walk my usual routes around the local area. There are countless bushes/trees overhanging onto and dominating the pavements. As my long cane helps me navigate my way around using reference points, these overgrown obstacles often disorientate me and are difficult to manoeuvre around safely. Even with a trained sighted guide, these obstacles are tricky to tackle as we are forced to go single file.

Over head dangling foliage on public paths, also pose a danger as they are a facial hazard.

Whilst many have an increased time availability during these current times, I pledge for you to maintain any foliage overhang from your property, to make the pavements safer for the less able.

Please share to try help the wider community!

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