Thursday 16 April 2020

Parent Club 16th April
A great resource for parents, from the Scottish Government. Really worth a look.

Environmental Protection 16th April

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

We're here to support our regulated businesses adjust and adapt to the COVID-19 emergency while expecting them to make their best endeavours to meet environmental obligations. Find out more at

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Options for treatment 8th April

Whilst we have no wish to frighten anybody, it is clear that for some people the Coronavirus poses a very serious health threat, with significant long-term or fatal consequences.
The links below, from Compassion in Dying and The Royal College of Physicians, look at your rights to accept or refuse treatment, along with an explanation of what patients might expect during and following an admission to Critical Care.
You may not find these an easy read, but forward planning is generally a good idea.

HC: Right to Roam 8th April

HC are aware of several illegal ad hoc signs appearing on paths & access routes so remind everyone that the Rights of Responsible Access still apply & we ask people follow current COVID-19 Guidance on exercising outdoors. Read more from this link

Scams: Useful Advice 8th April

Wednesday 1 April 2020

How to Help 1st April

COVID19 Persistence

I have no reason to believe this information is false - and some of it is definitely correct - but I have been unable to find the original source.